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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Our vision


In the future we want Children’s Centre services in Somerset to be planned and delivered in a more joined up way, by working even more closely with our key partners such as Health, Jobcentre Plus, schools and early years providers.  This will be reflected in our strategies for performance management.

We will continue to make sure that the cluster arrangements for Children’s Centres mean that reduced resources can be used in the most effective way to meet local needs and achieve best value for money.  We will continue to explore what role there is for other organisations to provide services where they are able to do so well, safely and at less cost.

We will seek to be creative in the use of our buildings and how families access services. We will also consider what role new technology could have in how people access services.

As our budget is likely to reduce significantly, we will have to do all of this with reduced staffing and reduced scope to deliver services and new initiatives. 

Children's Centres - lego path