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Monday, May 6, 2024

Children and Families questions

Q: If future services are targeted at children and families who have the greatest need, how is it proposed that we engage with them?
A: We will focus on geographical areas where we know there is a high number of families in need (based on most up to date available data).  We may offer more targeted activities for families who have a greater need and/or develop existing universal activities so they become more inclusive.

Q: How do we make sure that families who are isolated continue to receive the same level of service as they do now?
A: In the same way we do now.  There are no plans to reduce the number of "community access points" that families use to access Children's Centre services.

Q: If Children's Centre hubs become located in areas of greatest need, how would we ensure that smaller pockets of families who need intervention continue to be supported?
A: Services will continue to be available at the same number of "service access points" as now.  These will be supported by outreach work across the county.  Alongside potential changes to the service structure, we intend to do some rebranding and promotional work for Children's Centre services, which will help make sure families know how to access the services they need.

Q:  How is it proposed that we engage with families in most need?                                                                                        A: We will focus on geographical areas where we know there is a high number of families in need.  We will offer more targeted activities for families who have a greater need groups and/or develop existing universal activities so they are more inclusive.

Q:  What services will be available to families who are not considered in most need?                                                            A:  Some services will still be universally available and we are looking to support parents or community groups to continue to run activities that they value.  Many of the services currently available in or through Children's Centres will still be available because they are offered by other partners for example, health visiting and midwifery services, childcare, citizen's advice or adult learning and employment services.

Q: In the future, what services might be available to families who are not considered in most need?  Would they still be able to access Children's Centre services?
A: Yes.  Some services would still be universally available.  If the proposals get agreed, we will look to support parents or community groups to continue to run activities that they currently value.  Many of the services currently available in or through Children's Centres will also still be available because they are offered by other partners for example, health visiting and midwifery services, childcare, citizen's advice or adult learning and employment services.

Q: So would there be more opportunities for parents/ carers to volunteer to run groups and activities?
A: Yes, wherever possible, parents or carers would be supported to be actively engaged in running groups and activities.  We will also be working on ways of supporting local parents to come together to form informal networks of support. 

Q: Why do we need a standard county-wide definition of families in "greatest need"?  Why can't local Children's Centres determine who needs what locally?
A:  It will allow us to assess the needs of families more accurately and will mean we can deliver groups and activities in a more fair and consistent way. It will also help us have a better understanding of the impact that services are having across the county.

Q:  Will there be more opportunities for parents to volunteer to run groups and activities?                                                A:  Yes, wherever possible, parents or carers will be supported to be actively engaged in running groups and activities.  We will also be working on ways of supporting local parents to come together to form informal networks of support. 

 Page updated 16/10/13