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Monday, May 6, 2024

Service Restructure questions

Q: Why do we need to restructure?  Is it all about money?
A: Money is a factor but so is performance.  Children’s Centres in Somerset are not performing well compared with Children’s Centres in the rest of the country.  For example, in October 2012, only 37% of Somerset’s Children’s Centres were rated as good or above, compared with an average 69% nationally.  In April 2013, a new national Ofsted Inspection Framework was introduced which placed extra responsibilities on local authorities to achieve outstanding judgements. The existing structures, frameworks and focus of our services do not enable us to do this, so we need to make some big changes, regardless of changes to future funding.

Q: When will we be clearer about the future structure of Children's Centre services in Somerset?
A: A set of draft proposals were submitted to the Executive Leadership Team at the end of June.  These are now being shared and discussed with SCC’s Executive Management Team, the Children's Improvement Board and the Lead Member for Children’s services.  We are running a formal consultation between 2nd September until 28th October.  The outcome of this consultaiton will inform the future shape of CC services.   The consultation will be open to the general public but will specifically invite views on the proposals from families, staff, providers and partners.  The results will be used to amend the proposals as necessary, and will then go forward for formal agreement by Cabinet in November.  As usual, these timescales are subject to change.We are currently expecting a decision from Cabinet in December 2013. 

Q:  Third sector provider contracts end on the 31st of March.  How will we manage any transitions between January - March?                                                                                                                                                                                              A:  At this stage we are unable to say as this will be dependent on the outcome of the consultation.

Q: Do we know how many physical Children’s Centres (buildings) there will be in the new service?
A: No, not yet.  There is likely to be a reduction in the number of physical buildings that are registered as Children’s Centres, with some of the existing buildings being used differently.  However, there is expected to be little change to the number of locations that the public can use to access Children’s Centre services (the “community access points”).

Q: If we end up with a smaller management structure, how will we make sure that safe and consistent practice is maintained?
A: Policies will be in place to protect staff.  All staff will also receive regular supervision, as they do now.

Q:  Why is the proposal to move from 14 Clusters to 5 Districts?                                                                                            A:  The existing district council boundaries are also the boundaries for other organisations that work closely with Children's Centres, for example Health and Children's Social Care.  Using the same boundaries for Children's Centres would mean more effective partnership working.  For example a Health Lead currently has involvement with 3 Cluster Managers / Advisory Boards, as the existing clusters span several districts.  In the future, this would be reduced to 1.  Bigger districts will also allow staff and resources to be used more flexibly, rather than being contained within smaller, set clusters.  At present we are spending too much money on Management costs and we need to refocus resources so more money goes on front line delivery.  All of this will mean less waste and more money going on front-line services.

Q:  What is the definition of "greatest need" that future services will be based on?                                                              A:  You can see the "in greatest need" criteria on the Useful Information page.  This criteria has now been agreed following discussions with Cluster Managers and key partners.  Staff are now being asked to identify which families they support come under which "in greatest need" categories.

Q:  The information of the difference that Children's Centres have made will not be available at the moment so what information will you be using?                                                                                                                                                         A:  Children's Centres have not been around for long enough to see the impact of the difference, but we will be using statistical data and sufficient data showing gradual progress will be used.

Q:  How up to date is the data that is being used?                                                                                                                    A:  In addition to the below I would add that we produce a large indicator dataset that includes the most recent available data from DWP, HMRC, Health etc.  We also use "live" health data on an ongoing basis.  All our data is then analysed and cross-referenced on an quarterly basis to ensure the most up to date picture is available

Page updated 16/10/13